No Trust

Morsy is a messenger with the aim to avoid the need for trust. Morsy achieves this to a great extent by being peer to peer which ensures that the messages never pass through our servers.

Create Room

Peer to Peer

Morsy uses peer to peer technology as its backend this means that all messages directly go from your device to the recipients device without passing through any of our servers. This ensures that even with subpoena from a government agency we wouldnt be able to hand over any of your messages.

Open Source

Morsy is open-source which means the source is availible for everyone to see. Morsy is also licensed under the GNU GPL license which means that anyone can see, view, modify, and redistribute Morsy’s code without having to ask for permission.

© Copyright 2021,2022 Carl Marino and Itay Godasevich

Licensed under the GNU GPL License